DIARY / Visiting the Lucky Stars Sanctuary

Hello my friends and welcome back to my blog.

So today-- wait it's already midnight, so yesterday, I went to the Lucky Stars Sanctuary (Facebook, Instagram)! I thought I'd share my experience.

My sister had talked to the co-owner of the sanctuary after the Dominion screening we went to, and decided to message her to see when the next open day was.
We ended up arriving to the sanctuary, a little over half an hour from my place, at 10am, greeted by the cold chilly wind and a wonderfully friendly big black doggie!
We sat around the fireplace and gave the little kitty cats cuddles before heading out the back.

I AM THE CHOSEN ONE - basically how I feel any time a cat chooses to sit on me.
Francis quick look away, don't be jealous.

We were immediately greeted by some friendly goats who happily munched on pumpkin while receiving neck rubs. There was a herd of alpacas too just freely roaming about, as well as chickens, some of whom were enjoying their dust baths.

We then got to see the kangaroos which were being taken care of until they could be released back into the wild. The chickens and goats seemed to be wanting the attention back on them as I noticed some followed us around! So cute!

Then we got to see the sheep, pigs, and geese. Honestly I was so excited to see the pigs! I don't think I had ever seen one in real life before so my excitement was through the roof. I was reminded of the first documentary I watched on factory farming which was Lucent and how unfortunately billions of innocent, fun, friendly pigs don't even have a chance to live the free life they deserve. Actually Lucent was the documentary to really push me to research further into veganism and the horrible factory farming situation we have here in Australia (and also all over the world too unfortunately). To be able to see these pigs, thoroughly enjoying life, running around, receiving tummy rubs, rolling around in the mud -- it was honestly so heart-warming!

Lastly, the alpacas were fed and I even got to hold a baby alpaca! They are such strange looking creatures but so beautiful with their big beady eyes.
I also just loved how all these animals could live together harmoniously.

As we said our goodbyes, we were shown two baby joey rescues which just came in. They were snug inside blankets and bags, so small and so innocent with intrigue in their eyes as their little heads popped out of the blankets.

Handsome fella!

It was such a great experience and I really enjoyed this visit.
Not only is it so heart-warming to see these sweet animals enjoying their lives, it also is a reminder for myself of exactly why I decided to cut out meat and animal products after spending most of my life being so accustomed to eating/using them.
All of these animals have such unique personalities, they are full of love and emotion, just like my own little ragdoll Francis at home - he's definitely one of a kind.
They really deserve the best lives!

Any-hoops, thank you for reading my blog post!
If you would like to donate to the sanctuary, click HERE!
They do so much for these animals, I honestly don't know how they manage it! Just incredible.



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